Who I am, and how I got here

Eliza Fraser
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

It feels unnatural to begin my journey of learning and reflecting on topics that are important to me without introducing myself. So, before I start, let me provide some background on who I am and how I got here.

My name is Eliza, and I am 20 years old, from Halifax Nova Scotia. I am a third-year computer science student at Dalhousie University.

I was introduced to computer science in the eleventh grade when I was instructed to start a community project for the International Baccalaureate program requirements. Honestly, I am not sure why I chose technology as the basis of my project, as the extent of my knowledge was one or two 4 hour-long children’s coding camps, but I am very glad I did. I began a Girls Tech Club that met once a week during lunchtime, and we did drag and drop coding and I even got hardware kits from a local company. My club combined my love of collaboration and teamwork with a useful new skill. It was fun, but I didn’t think I’d be pursuing a degree in computer science two years later. In July after graduation, I realized the Bachelor of Arts program I was enrolled in really did not inspire or motivate me, so on a whim (and on the advice of my mum, who had seen the investments and growth in tech companies increase drastically over the past years), I applied to Dal computer science.

I am so thankful I did. I love being in computer science. Even though I have to work hard on my coding skills and defrost my math knowledge occasionally, I am constantly rewarded. In the first two years of my degree, I felt neutral about working in the field. I enjoyed my work and was excited to continue, but I wasn’t particularly inspired by anything. I began to be slowly introduced to the notion of security through job applications and connecting my interests (mystery novels, puzzles, helping others, etc) to my schoolwork. In September of my third year, I met with someone who worked for one of Canada’s security agencies, and I walked home from the coffee shop on an emotional high. I was fascinated by what she was saying even without the details of her work being revealed. I was so inspired by her experiences, I couldn’t help but imagine myself contributing to something so meaningful. Now, I follow a few cybersecurity blogs, listen to podcasts about the trials and tribulations of tech security and actively seek out positions related to this field. I am excited to start contributing.

My account on Medium is a starting place for my thoughts on security and privacy in tech. I’d like to see where this takes me, hopefully, a website or a more formal blog. For now, I’d like to contribute to the community, and learn and share.



Eliza Fraser

Computer science student passionate about topics of security and privacy in technology.